Saturday 29 June 2013

Significance of Democracy in the Present World

           Significance of Democracy in the Present World

The present scenario of the world we are living in is changing rapidly. Democracy has proved itself to be the most efficient way to run a state and consequently, most of the world has preferred this form of government and many countries are still switching to it.
The current examples of this shift to democracy are the uprisings of the Egypt and Tunisia. In fact, the whole Middle East is in crisis as people are pushing the monarchs and dictators to step down. The Libyans are still struggling to overcome the stronghold of the dictatorship.
This is the 21st century, the age of globalization. The people now are educated. Surely, they won’t let their country be in the hands of a single person who may give priority to his personal interests over the county’s welfare.
Democracy can be considered a better alternative to dictatorship and monarchy for some obvious reasons. The history illustrates that most of the dictators have come from a military background, like Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussain, Fidel Castro, Gen. Parvez Musharraf etc. these military men fail to acquire political vision and diplomatic wisdom. They give preference to their individual interests over that of the people and the state. The hunger for more and more power naturally arises when the control of a big state is concentrated in the hand of a single individual. More often, these individuals wage war with other countries for personal hostility or for expansion of their borders, ignoring the security issues of the general masses; as a result, their countries get shattered , financially unstable,  and ultimately vulnerable to civil wars.
In direct contradiction, when there is a democratic government in a state, the decision makers are many and more often; the power is divided from state-level to the village-level. So naturally, nobody can influence the state’s policies with his personal whims. The rulers have to be efficient or they wouldn’t be able to rule the next time. The whole power is in the hands of the people.
Moreover, the diplomatic relations co-exist between democratic countries and the security and safety of the commoners is guaranteed.
Unlike in the case of democracy, the obstinate dictators and military rulers boss the country and live in a super luxurious lifestyle. To them, their personal interests (sing reckless nesses) are above the nation and its people.
They make their country hollow, shattered and war-torn in a course of time due to lack of political wisdom. The recent cases of Afghanistan, Iraq and Germany (after the World War II) are the clear examples.
There wouldn't have been any need for such big revolutions in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria and Libya, had there been a democratic system of government, as the people would simply dismiss the government in the subsequent elections, as soon as they would realize the inefficiency of their ruler

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